Lonnie's Warrior Sword

덤프버전 : (♥ 2)

Lonnie's Warrior Sword
저자Jessica Brody
출판사Disney Press
발행일2017년 8월 15일
시리즈School of Secrets
전편Ally's Mad Mystery
후편Carlos's Scavenger Hunt

1. 개요
2. 줄거리
2.1. 목차

1. 개요[편집]

디센던츠 시리즈의 소설 'School of Secrets' 시리즈의 4권.

2. 줄거리[편집]

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Lonnie's Warrior Sword
Lonnie is the daughter of Mulan.
She’s strong. She's fearless. And she’s willing to fight for what she wants….like the very special sword that once belonged to her mother.
When Lonnie brings her friends Jay and Jordan on an forbidden trip to Imperial City to get it, she must prove she’s a true warrior.

2.1. 목차[편집]

Lonnie's Warrior Sword 목차
[ 펼치기 · 접기 ]

1Training 101
2En Garde!
3Take a Stab at It
4Get a Grip
5Cut to the Chase
6The Pen is Sharper…
7On the Fence
8Strong Competitor
9Swords with Friends
10Tips and Tricks
12A Fierce Opponent
13Fight it Out
15Fight to the Finish
16Don’t Sweat the Technique
18In the Cut
19Low Blow
20Look Sharp
21Hit Back
22Blow for Blow
23The Biggest Challenge
24Kinda Sworda Nervous
26Match Over
27On the Edge
28Honor Conquers All
29Fall on Your Sword
30It’s a Bout Time

3. 등장인물[편집]

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