Super Mario RPG: The Seven Sages

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슈퍼 마리오 RPG: 일곱 현인들
Super Mario RPG: The Seven Sages
파일:Super Mario RPG: The Seven Sages Title.png
개발ICU Gigasoft
엔진RPG 만들기 2003
출시2009년 8월 8일
1. 개요
2. 게임 플레이
3. 스토리
4. 등장인물
4.1. 보스
5. 챕터
6. 여담

1. 개요[편집]

ICU Gigasoft에서 만든 슈퍼 마리오 RPG의 팬 게임.

2. 게임 플레이[편집]

3. 스토리[편집]

A long time ago, when the word was still young, the lad was seperated into seven kingdoms. The Elders of Star Haven foresaw conflict between the kingdoms as the greediness of the people became aparent. These elders requested a meeting with the original rulers of each of the kingdoms. They became Sages, guardians of their respective lands, and were sent back to the world as representatives from Star Haven.

Now, the Sages are long gone but their spirits live on in Seven Monuments. Legend has it that the key to peace with the kingdoms lies in the power of the Sages.

Many have learned of the power that could be obtained by taking control of these objects, and therefore taking control of the Sages. Two unknown villains have been reported sneaking around recently...

4. 등장인물[편집]

본작의 주인공.

4.1. 보스[편집]

  • 킹굼바/Goombaron
  • 해머브로스/Hammer Bros
  • 거대뻐끔/Naval Piranha
  • 게돈꽃충이/Swiggler
  • 킹굼바/Goombaron(2차전)
  • 다크 부끄부끄/Big Boogly Boo
꽃충이 버스의 보스.
  • 좀비하잉바/Bony Beetle
  • 오즈몬/Sand E. Cloud
  • 형님귀신/Bouldergeist
  • 점보 징오징오/Jumbo Blooper
  • 조나산 존즈/Johnny Jones
  • 바다 스모그/Sea Smorg
  • 엉금 브라더스/Koopa Bros.
  • 골드 호크/Rawk Hawk
  • 겟시/Yoob
  • 킹부끄/King Boo
  • 훌쩍쿵쿵/Thwachoo
  • 파라레라/Crystal King
  • Tatanga
  • 바츠가르프/Grodus
  • 코르테스/Cortez
  • 쿠파???/Bowser???
  • 카리바/Exor
  • 곤자잔 & 분바바/Hooktail & Gloomtail
  • Giant Skell-O-Bits
  • Anti Party
  • 다크스타/Dark Star

5. 챕터[편집]

  • ADVANTURE 1: 성으로/To The Castle
  • ADVANTURE 2: 데이지와의 만남/A Visit With Daisy
  • ADVANTURE 3: 킹굼바의 반격/The Goobaron Strikes Back
  • ADVANTURE 4: 판결될 때 까진 유죄/Guilty Until Proven Innocent
  • ADVANTURE 5: 핫 핫 호러/Hot Hot Horror
  • ADVANTURE 6: 공주와 스타와 그리고 스파이/The Princess, The Star, and The Spy
  • ADVANTURE 7: 바닷속의 마리오와 20,000 루이지/Mario the Mariner & 20,000 Luigis Under the Sea
  • ADVANTURE 8: 엉금 브로스의 귀환/Return of the Koopa Bros.
  • ADVANTURE 9: 투기장/The Glitz Pitz
  • ADVANTURE 10: 정글 깊숙히/Deep Into The Jungle
  • ADVANTURE 11: 유령의 습격/The Geist Heist
  • ADVANTURE 12: 현인마저 미끄러운 경사/Slippery Slope to a Sage
  • ADVANTURE 14: 보름달의 분노/Full Moon Madness

6. 여담[편집]

게임 내에 브금들은 대부분 슈퍼 마리오 RPG, 마리오&루이지 RPG, 페이퍼 마리오에서 가져온것 같다.

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