파나마 여권

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파나마 공화국 여권

발급 국가

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발급 기관

파나마 여권국
Passport of panama
panama passport
파나마 공화국 여권
파나마 여권

1. 개요[편집]

파나마 공화국 여권은 파나마 국민들에게 발급되는 여권이다.

2. 여권 메시지[편집]

El Gobierno de la República de Panamá solicita a las autoridades nacionales y extranjeras, brindarle al titular del presente pasaporte, las facilidades para su normal tránsito, asistencia y protección necesaria, así como las debidas consideraciones y reciprocidad en casos similares o que así lo amerite.



The Government of the Republic of Panama request the national and foreign authorities to provide the holder of this passport with the required support to facilitate his/her normal transit, the assistance, and the necessary protection, as long as the due considerations and reciprocity are mutual.



Le Gouvernement de la République du Panama demande aux autorités nationales et étrangères de fournir au titulaire du présent passeport les moyens nécessaires à son déplacement normal, l'assistance et la protection nécessaires, ainsi que l'attention requise dans un cadre mutuel et réciproque.



3. 위상[편집]

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