메이플스토리/빅뱅 이전/업데이트 연표/글로벌

덤프버전 : (♥ 2)

1. 개요
2. 2004년
3. 2005년

1. 개요[편집]

메이플스토리 글로벌 서비스의 빅뱅 업데이트 이전 연표를 기록한 것이다. 주요 콘텐츠 업데이트와 이벤트를 위주로 서술하였다.

2. 2004년[편집]

  • V0.04b (2004.09.21.)
    • 상세 불명, 베타 서비스
    • [ 업데이트 전문 펼치기 · 접기 ]
      MapleStory, Global Ver. 0.04 is now released.
      It's a more complete version of ver. 0.03
  • V0.05b (2004.10.08.)
    • 상세 불명, 베타 서비스
    • [ 업데이트 전문 펼치기 · 접기 ]
      MapleStory, Global Ver. 0.05 is now released.
      It's a more complete version of ver. 0.04
  • V0.06b (2004.10.21.)
    • 아이템 및 몬스터 이름 수정
    • [ 업데이트 전문 펼치기 · 접기 ]
      MapleStory, Global Ver. 0.06 is now released.

      With the new patch, we have included a few things.

      < Character >
      Included an option to change skin-color for the newly-
      created characters.
      WARNING: This option is not available for the characters
      that have already been made.

      < UI >
      For the skills that require a mastery of other skills,
      we included a guide in the UI to fully describe the skills
      needed to obtain a new skill.

      < Items >
      Some items/monsters that have had their names misspelled
      have been corrected.

      Steezy -> Stirge
      Lace -> Wraith
      Kapa Drake -> Copper Drake
  • V0.07b (2004.11.04.)
    • 헤어 염색 시스템 추가
    • [ 업데이트 전문 펼치기 · 접기 ]
      MapleStory, Global Ver. 0.07 is now released.

      With the new patch, we have included a few things.

      < Character >
      Included an option to change hair-color for the newly-created characters.
      WARNING: This option is not available for the characters that have already been made.

      < Channels >
      We're adding two more channels for your convenience.
  • V0.08b (2004.11.11.)
    • [ 업데이트 전문 펼치기 · 접기 ]
      MapleStory, Global Ver. 0.08 is now released.

      It's a more complete version of ver. 0.07
  • V0.09b (2004.11.23.)
    • 신규 로그인 시스템 및 게이트웨이 페이지 추가
    • [ 업데이트 전문 펼치기 · 접기 ]
      MapleStory, Global Ver. 0.09 is now released.

      With the new patch, we have included:

      < New Login System >
      As of 7pm, November 23rd, GMT, we have upgraded our
      account login and security processes. We will
      abandon the email ID login system and adopt a new
      login system based on user IDs. All users must
      create a Login ID at the "Edit Personal Info" page.
      Further, all accounts must be activated by email
      verification to access MapleStory.

      < Gateway >
      We're adding a Gateway page before logging on to the
      game, with two servers to select from. You MUST
      select the correct gateway to play the game.

      We'll be working hard to better our service to you
      on a regular basis.
      Thank you, and happy Mapling.
  • V0.10b (2004.12.06.)
    • 버그 수정
    • [ 업데이트 전문 펼치기 · 접기 ]
      MapleStory, Global Ver. 0.10 is now released.
      It's a more complete version of ver. 0.11
  • V0.12b (2004.12.10.)
    • 버그 수정
    • [ 업데이트 전문 펼치기 · 접기 ]
      MapleStory, Global Ver. 0.12 is now released.
      It's a more complete version of ver. 0.11
  • V0.13b (2004.12.10.)
    • 버그 수정
    • [ 업데이트 전문 펼치기 · 접기 ]
      MapleStory, Global Ver. 0.13 is now released.
      It's a more complete version of ver. 0.12
  • V0.15b (2004.12.20.)
    • 크리스마스 이벤트(행복한 마을)
    • [ 업데이트 전문 펼치기 · 접기 ]
      MapleStory, Global Ver. 0.15 is now released.

      With the new patch, we have included:

      < Christmas Event >

      You'll be able to access Happyville through Rooney the NPC at Ellinia. At Happyville, you'll be able to decorate various Christmas trees with your "setup" items.

      The monsters in MapleStory will drop stars, bells, and other Christmas items.

      Thank you, and Merry Christmas, everyone ! ! !
  • V0.16b (2004.12.22.)
    • 버그 수정
    • [ 업데이트 전문 펼치기 · 접기 ]
      MapleStory, Global Ver. 0.16 is now released.

      It's more complete version of Ver. 0.15

      Thank you, and Merry Christmas, everyone!
  • V0.17b (2004.12.30.)
    • 버그 수정
    • [ 업데이트 전문 펼치기 · 접기 ]
      MapleStory, Global Ver. 0.17 is now released.

      It's more complete version of Ver. 0.16

      Thank you, and Merry Christmas, everyone!

3. 2005년[편집]

  • v0.18b (2005.01.03.)
    • 버그 수정
    • [ 업데이트 전문 펼치기 · 접기 ]
      MapleStory, Global Ver. 0.18 is now released.

      It's more complete version of Ver. 0.17
  • v0.19b (2005.01.04.)
    • 버그 수정
    • [ 업데이트 전문 펼치기 · 접기 ]
      MapleStory, Global Ver. 0.19 is now released.

      It's more complete version of Ver. 0.18
  • v0.20b (2005.01.05.)
    • 버그 수정
    • [ 업데이트 전문 펼치기 · 접기 ]
      MapleStory, Global Ver. 0.20 is now released.

      It's more complete version of Ver. 0.19
  • v0.21b (2005.01.10.)
    • 버그 수정
    • [ 업데이트 전문 펼치기 · 접기 ]
      MapleStory, Global Ver. 0.21 is now released.

      It's more complete version of Ver. 0.20
  • v0.21b (2005.01.12.)
    • 버그 수정
    • [ 업데이트 전문 펼치기 · 접기 ]
      MapleStory, Global Ver. 0.22 is now released.

      It's more complete version of Ver. 0.21
  • v0.23b (2005.01.21.)
    • 버그 수정
    • [ 업데이트 전문 펼치기 · 접기 ]
      MapleStory, Global Ver. 0.23 is now released.

      It's more complete version of Ver. 0.22
  • V0.24b (2005.01.27.)
    • 시스템 옵션 추가, UI 변경, 커닝시티 넬라 퀘스트 추가 등
    • [ 업데이트 전문 펼치기 · 접기 ]
      MapleStory, Global Ver. 0.24 is now released.

      With the new patch, we have included or edited the

      <System Option>
      "Shake-up the screen" effect has been included.
      Minor changes to the UI have been made.

      If you press the 'tab' key, you can change the person
      you are whispering to.

      Throwing Stars' "Recharge" Icon has been changed.

      You can extend or diminish the size of chatting windows

      Minor modifications to NPC dialogs and certain buttons
      have been made.

      The size of HP, MP, and EXP. bars have been enlarged.

      HP bar blinks when HP goes down under a certain value.

      You can now make "processed wood" by using either branches
      or firewood.

      You can make the following items from Vicious in Henesys.

      Arrows for bows
      Arrows for crossbows
      Bronze arrows for bows
      Bronze arrows for crossbows
      Steel arrows for bows
      Steel arrows for crossbows
      New capes have been added.
      Blue, Red, White, and Black Magic Cape
      Various Scrolls for capes have been added.

      You can purchase holy water in Ellinia.

      The following monsters deliver physical damage instead of
      magical damage from now on.
      Lupin: Throwing Bananas
      Zombie Lupin: Throwing Bananas
      King Slime: Jump Attack
      Mushmom: Jump Attack
      The following monsters use skills from now on.
      Iron Hog: Power-UP Lv. 1
      Stone Golem: Power-Up Lv. 1, Physical Defense-Up Lv. 1
      Dark Stone Golem: Power-Up Lv. 2, Physical Defense-Up Lv. 2
      New Monsters have been added.
      Jr. Boogie: Lv. 30
      Pairy: Lv. 30
      Characters can be in the following states now.
      Poisoned: HP decreases as time passes
      Frozen: characters cannot move
      Sealed: characters cannot use skills
      Dark-Magic: Both Magical and Physical Attack Accuracy
      Weak: characters cannot jump
      Stunned: characters cannot move
      Cursed: characters get low Exp.
      The effect of following skills has been changed.
      Heal: characters cannot use the "heal" skill when they are on a
      ladder, but can get EXP. when restoring HP of party members.
      You can see your wand or staff when you use the "fire arrow" skill.
      New quest has been added.
      Nella in Kerning City: Lv. 15
      New quest has been added.
      Nella in Kerning City: Lv. 25
      Some of maps have been modified.

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