[[분류:명일방주/음악]] [include(틀:명일방주)] [include(틀:명일방주/음악)] ||<-2>
{{{#ffffff '''{{{+3 Towards Her Light}}}'''}}} || ||<-2> {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [[파일:Towards_Her_Light.webp|width=100%]]}}} || || {{{#ffffff '''노래'''}}} || Hannah Crowley || || {{{#ffffff '''작사/작곡'''}}} || Adam Gubman || || {{{#ffffff '''장르'''}}} || 환상곡 || || {{{#ffffff '''길이'''}}} || 04:23 || || {{{#ffffff '''발매일'''}}} || 2021년 9월 17일 || ||<-2> '''[[https://monster-siren.hypergryph.com/m/music#album|{{{#ffffff 스트리밍 사이트}}}]]''' || [목차] [clearfix] == 개요 == || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube(5_4iC3PjTvc)]}}} || || '''{{{#fff 명일방주 공식 유튜브 채널}}}''' || ||<#fff,#191919> 믿음은 아침 햇살에 숨어 안개가 걷히기를 기다립니다. 흰 돛은 유랑을 떠나 파수라는 항만으로 향했습니다. 부드러운 인도, 확고한 방향. 지금, 앞으로 나아가 노래합니다. 'Towards Her Light', 빛을 향하여, 그녀의 빛을 향하여.[*원문 信仰藏匿于晨光,静候雾的弥散。白帆告别流浪,驶向名为守望的港湾。温柔的指引,坚定的方向。此刻于此,前进歌唱。《Towards Her Light》,向着光,向着她的光。] || || '''앨범 소개''' || == 가사 == ||
<#fff,#191919> '''Where the spring mists settle''' '''as the valleys breathe,''' '''And the hillock's shadow light and calm.''' '''You're naught to feel unwanted''' '''though the world might abhor,''' '''Your home is in Victoria, Victoria... once more.''' '''When the night wind calls us''' '''to the tussling fields,''' '''Lost in battle, weary in your heart.''' '''I'll uphold her honor''' '''as we march to the shore.''' '''And I will see''' '''Victoria, Victoria, once more.''' '''My heart will sing Victoria, Victoria... once more.''' '''Her light, a harbor for faithless.''' '''She won't let you fall.''' '''When the darkness calls you,''' '''Anchor safe in her walls.''' '''Like a shield, she's Victoria.''' '''Her love for you is an army.''' '''Protected and served.''' '''When you're lost, unwanted,''' '''She's your hope, preserved.''' '''Like a sword, she's Victoria.''' '''Even if I wander''' '''yon' the hills towards Sargon,''' '''She'll keep calling''' '''and her beacon lead''' '''like a warship steady through the storm.''' '''I am left unshaken, I'm safe in her arms.''' '''The solace of Victoria.''' '''Hopeful in Victoria.''' '''My heart will sing Victoria.''' '''March past the dusty moors,''' '''Shake off a thousand wars,''' '''Leaving, not left alone.''' '''Victoria is our home...''' '''You're naught to feel unwanted''' '''though the world might abhor.''' '''Your home is in Victoria... once more...''' ||