[include(틀:이달의 소녀)] ||<-5><#fff> '''{{{#000 [[이달의 소녀|'''{{{#000 이달의 소녀}}}''']]의 [[이달의 소녀/음반|'''{{{#000 음반}}}''']] (발매일순)}}}''' || || {{{-2 '''미니 4집'''}}}[br][[[&\]|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline-block; padding: 1px 5px; border-radius: 3px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #082f4d, #2e526c, #75102c, #3c1013); font-size: 0.865em; color: #fff; letter-spacing: -0.2px" '''[&]'''}}}]][br]{{{-2 {{{#000,#fff (2021)}}}}}} || {{{+1 →}}} || {{{-2 '''일본 디지털 싱글 1집'''}}}[br][[PTT (Paint The Town) Japanese Ver.|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline-block; padding: 1px 5px; border-radius: 3px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #e6e6e6, #e6e6e6); font-size: 0.865em; color: #000; letter-spacing: -0.2px" '''PTT (Paint The Town) Japanese Ver.'''}}}]][br]{{{-2 {{{#000,#fff (2021)}}}}}} || {{{+1 →}}} || {{{-2 '''일본 싱글 1집'''}}}[br][[HULA HOOP / StarSeed 〜カクセイ〜|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline-block; padding: 1px 5px; border-radius: 3px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #254CE9, #254CE9); font-size: 0.865em; color: #fff; letter-spacing: -0.2px" '''HULA HOOP/ StarSeed 〜カクセイ〜'''}}}]][br]{{{-2 {{{#000,#fff (2021)}}}}}} || ||<-2>
''' {{{+1 PTT (Paint The Town) Japanese Ver.}}}''' || ||<-2> {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [[파일:PTT Japanese cover.png|width=100%]]}}} || ||<-2> '''이달의 소녀 일본 디지털 싱글''' || || ''' 발매일''' || [[파일:일본 국기.svg|width=20px]] [[2021년]] [[6월 28일]] || || '''기획사''' || [[피스보이스 엔터테인먼트]] || || '''유통사''' || [[유니버설 뮤직 재팬]] || || '''곡수''' || 1곡 || || '''재생시간''' || 03:21 || || '''타이틀곡''' || '''PTT (Paint The Town) Japanese Ver.''' || [목차] [clearfix] == 개요 == [[2021년]] [[6월 28일]] 발매된 [[이달의 소녀]]의 첫번째 일본 디지털 싱글이다. == 수록곡 == {{{#!wiki style="word-break: keep-all" ||<-6>
'''{{{#fff PTT (Paint The Town) Japanese Ver.}}}''' || ||<-6> 2021년 6월 28일 오후 6:00 발매 || || '''{{{#fff 트랙}}}''' || '''{{{#fff 곡명}}}''' || '''{{{#fff 작사}}}''' || '''{{{#fff 작곡}}}''' || '''{{{#fff 편곡}}}''' || '''{{{#fff 번역}}}''' || || '''01''' || '''PTT (Paint The Town) Japanese Ver.''' ||<-2> {{{-2 [[라이언 전|Ryan S. Jhun]] / Hanif Hitmanic Sabzevari / Dennis DeKo Kordnejad / [[YOUHA]]}}} || {{{-2 [[라이언 전|Ryan S. Jhun]] / Hanif Hitmanic Sabzevari / Dennis DeKo Kordnejad}}} || {{{-2 Pa-Non}}}[* [[https://youtu.be/ED_xNK1fEqw|#]] 참고] ||}}} == 가사 == ||
{{{#fff '''가사'''}}} || || ^^'''ALL {{{#ed0090,#fe12a1 희진}}} {{{#fdcc03 현진}}} {{{#00a652 하슬}}} {{{#f37020 여진}}} {{{#f5a0b3 비비}}} {{{#ef1841,#e71039 김립}}} {{{#1724a7,#5764e8 진솔}}} {{{#b510b5,#ef4aee 최리}}} {{{#7b0134,#fe83b6 이브}}} {{{#f6917d 츄}}} {{{#37bb9d 고원}}} {{{#7f7d7d 올리비아 혜}}}'''^^ {{{#ef1841,#e71039 Get Ready}}} {{{#ed0090,#fe12a1 Are you ready for some action いま始まった mission もう誰も私を 止められない}}} {{{#b510b5,#ef4aee すべて曝けだして 違うcolors照らすの 惹かれ合うことは ねぇ自由でしょう}}} {{{#ef1841,#e71039 Okay}}} {{{#37bb9d U-hu}}} {{{#ef1841,#e71039 Wanna be the cool kid?}}} {{{#37bb9d U-hu}}} {{{#ef1841,#e71039 イェスノウどっち}}} {{{#37bb9d U-hu}}} {{{#7b0134,#fe83b6 Brand-new world Moon is up pink or black grid}}} {{{#f6917d Rom um um um a roam}}} {{{#f5a0b3 Yeah Yeah Yeah}}} {{{#f6917d 待ちきれない}}} {{{#f5a0b3 Yeah Yeah Yeah}}} {{{#f6917d 準備all right 浮上all night Kill it to the daylight}}} {{{#00a652 Go go Let us put on a show show}}} {{{#fdcc03 別世界をMORE&MORE 切り開いてroll roll}}} {{{#1724a7,#5764e8 We don't stop until the sun goes up 制限なく 踊ろう No way you can make us stop}}} {{{#b510b5,#ef4aee We're about to paint the town Ra ta ta ta ta ta ta ta}}} {{{#fdcc03 Paint the town}}} {{{#b510b5,#ef4aee Ra ta ta ta ta ta ta ta}}} {{{#1724a7,#5764e8 Paint the town}}} {{{#b510b5,#ef4aee Ra ta ta ta ta ta ta ta}}} {{{#1724a7,#5764e8 You can't stop us just we もう 止められないわ}}} {{{#7f7d7d We'll taking to the moon}}} {{{#7b0134,#fe83b6 月を隠そう}}} {{{#ef1841,#e71039 今宵 eclipse 標的を12の目が捙らえた}}} {{{#f37020 正解はないよ just watch it まだ駆け抜けるdon't touch it}}} {{{#7b0134,#fe83b6 We ain't gotta east of eden so keep it If you gon'ball with us then just sweep it}}} Aooooo {{{#7f7d7d Like a wolf to the moon もうすぐ月が 浮かぶ}}} {{{#1724a7,#5764e8 Pam pa pam We're devilous このcurious So don't mess with us}}} {{{#f37020 Go go Let us put on a show show}}} {{{#fdcc03 別世界をMORE&MORE 切り開いてroll roll}}} {{{#ed0090,#fe12a1 We don't stop until the sun goes up 振り切って 踊ろう No way you can make us stop}}} {{{#7b0134,#fe83b6 We're about to paint the town Ra ta ta ta ta ta ta ta}}} {{{#f6917d Paint the town Ra ta ta ta ta ta ta ta}}} {{{#ed0090,#fe12a1 Paint the town Ra ta ta ta ta ta ta ta You can't stop us just we もう 止められないわ}}} {{{#fdcc03 We'll taking to the moon}}} {{{#b510b5,#ef4aee 月を隠そう}}} {{{#f37020 今宵 eclipse it's over it 私たちを隠すわ}}} {{{#ef1841,#e71039 12個のドアを開けば いつでも 響き合えるわ}}} {{{#00a652 open your eyes is it moon or sky and Living is wise}}} {{{#ed0090,#fe12a1 i}}}{{{#f6917d f}}} {{{#ed0090,#fe12a1 y}}}{{{#f6917d o}}}{{{#ed0090,#fe12a1 u}}} {{{#f6917d n}}}{{{#ed0090,#fe12a1 e}}}{{{#f6917d v}}}{{{#ed0090,#fe12a1 e}}}{{{#f6917d r}}} {{{#ed0090,#fe12a1 e}}}{{{#f6917d v}}}{{{#ed0090,#fe12a1 e}}}{{{#f6917d r}}} {{{#ed0090,#fe12a1 t}}}{{{#f6917d h}}}{{{#ed0090,#fe12a1 i}}}{{{#f6917d n}}}{{{#ed0090,#fe12a1 k}}} {{{#f6917d t}}}{{{#ed0090,#fe12a1 w}}}{{{#f6917d i}}}{{{#ed0090,#fe12a1 c}}}{{{#f6917d e}}} {{{#37bb9d Y}}}{{{#f5a0b3 o}}}{{{#37bb9d u}}} {{{#f5a0b3 b}}}{{{#37bb9d r}}}{{{#f5a0b3 e}}}{{{#37bb9d a}}}{{{#f5a0b3 k}}} {{{#37bb9d i}}}{{{#f5a0b3 t}}} {{{#37bb9d Y}}}{{{#f5a0b3 o}}}{{{#37bb9d u}}} {{{#f5a0b3 m}}}{{{#37bb9d a}}}{{{#f5a0b3 k}}}{{{#37bb9d e}}} {{{#f5a0b3 i}}}{{{#37bb9d t}}} {{{#37bb9d Y}}}{{{#f5a0b3 o}}}{{{#37bb9d u}}} {{{#f5a0b3 k}}}{{{#37bb9d i}}}{{{#f5a0b3 l}}}{{{#37bb9d l}}} {{{#f5a0b3 i}}}{{{#37bb9d t}}} {{{#37bb9d Y}}}{{{#f5a0b3 o}}}{{{#37bb9d u}}} {{{#f5a0b3 w}}}{{{#37bb9d a}}}{{{#f5a0b3 n}}}{{{#37bb9d t}}} {{{#f5a0b3 i}}}{{{#37bb9d t}}} {{{#37bb9d Y}}}{{{#f5a0b3 o}}}{{{#37bb9d u}}} {{{#f5a0b3 o}}}{{{#37bb9d w}}}{{{#f5a0b3 n}}} {{{#37bb9d i}}}{{{#f5a0b3 t}}} {{{#37bb9d Y}}}{{{#f5a0b3 o}}}{{{#37bb9d u}}} {{{#f5a0b3 s}}}{{{#37bb9d h}}}{{{#f5a0b3 o}}}{{{#37bb9d w}}} {{{#f5a0b3 i}}}{{{#37bb9d t}}} {{{#f6917d Let's go}}} {{{#7f7d7d We're about to paint the town na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na}}} {{{#ef1841,#e71039 Ra ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta}}} {{{#f6917d Y}}}{{{#ef1841 o}}}{{{#f6917d u}}} {{{#ef1841 c}}}{{{#f6917d a}}}{{{#ef1841 n}}}{{{#f6917d 't}}} {{{#ef1841 s}}}{{{#f6917d t}}}{{{#ef1841 o}}}{{{#f6917d p}}} {{{#ef1841 u}}}{{{#f6917d s}}} {{{#ef1841 j}}}{{{#f6917d u}}}{{{#ef1841 s}}}{{{#f6917d t}}} {{{#ef1841 w}}}{{{#f6917d e}}} {{{#ef1841 も}}}{{{#f6917d う}}} {{{#ef1841 止}}}{{{#f6917d め}}}{{{#ef1841 ら}}}{{{#f6917d れ}}}{{{#ef1841 な}}}{{{#f6917d い}}}{{{#ef1841 わ}}} || == 뮤직비디오 == == 여담 == * [[이달의 소녀]]의 일본 데뷔 싱글은 아니다. 데뷔 전 선공개(?) 디지털 싱글로 보인다. 정식 데뷔는 9월 15일. [[분류:이달의 소녀/음반]][[분류:2021년 싱글]][[분류:일본의 음반]][[분류:데뷔 음반/이달의 소녀]][[분류:데뷔 싱글]]