[include(틀:상위 문서, top1=League of Legends European Championship Summer 2021)] [include(틀:LOL European Championship Summer 2021 정규시즌 경기 일람)] [목차] == 개요 == [[League of Legends European Championship Summer 2021]] 정규시즌 3주차 경기 결과를 적은 문서이다. ||<-7> {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px; padding: 5px 10px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right ,#7E5DFD, #FF5118, #FF5118, #FF5118)" [[League of Legends European Championship|[[파일:lec 심볼.svg|height=25]]]] [[League of Legends European Championship Spring 2021|{{{#000,#e5e5e5 '''League of Legends European Championship Summer 2021'''}}}]][br]{{{#000,#e5e5e5 '''정규시즌 3주차 순위표'''}}}}}} || || 순위 ||<-2> 팀 || 승 || 패 || 연속 || 비고 || || 1 || [[파일:misfits_small_logo.png|width=25]] || [[Misfits Gaming/리그 오브 레전드|MSF]] || 6 || 1 || 3승 || - || || 2 || [[파일:Fnatic 로고.svg|width=30]] || [[Fnatic/리그 오브 레전드|FNC]] || 5 || 2 || 5승 || - || || 2 || [[파일:Rogue 로고.svg|width=22]] || [[Rogue/리그 오브 레전드|RGE]] || 5 || 2 || 2승 || - || || 4 || [[파일:G2 Esports 로고.svg|height=25]] || [[G2 Esports/리그 오브 레전드|G2]] || 4 || 3 || 2패 || - || || 4 || [[파일:MAD_Lions_no_text.png|width=25]] || [[MAD Lions/리그 오브 레전드|MAD]] || 4 || 3 || 1패 || - || || 4 || [[파일:Team_Vitalitylogo_square.png|height=20]] || [[Team Vitality/리그 오브 레전드|VIT]] || 4 || 3 || 3승 || - || || 7 || [[파일:Astralis 아이콘.svg|height=22]] || [[Astralis/리그 오브 레전드|AST]] || 2 || 5 || 5패 || - || || 7 || [[파일:엑셀 이스포츠 로고.svg|height=15&theme=light]][[파일:엑셀 이스포츠 로고 화이트.svg|height=15&theme=dark]] || [[Excel Esports/리그 오브 레전드|XL]] || 2 || 5 || 3패 || - || || 7 || [[파일:external/lol.esportswikis.com/300px-Schalke_04_Esportslogo_square.png|width=23]] || [[FC Schalke 04 Esports|S04]] || 2 || 5 || 3패 || - || || 10 || [[파일:SK gaming 심볼.svg|width=22]] || [[SK Gaming/리그 오브 레전드|SK]] || 1 || 6 || 1승 || - || ||<-7> {{{-2 {{{#fff •}}} {{{#97ecab 초록색:}}} {{{#fff 승자 브라켓 진출}}} {{{#fff |}}} {{{#ccffcc 연두색:}}} {{{#fff 패자 브라켓 진출}}} {{{#ffff99 노란색:}}} {{{#fff 진출 실패}}} {{{#fff |}}} {{{#white 볼드체:}}} {{{#white 순위 확정}}}}}} || 11.12패치 버전으로 6월 26일부터 6월 27일까지 각 팀이 하루에 한 경기씩, 팀당 총 두 경기를 치른다. == 1일차 (2021. 06. 26) == === 26경기 MSF 승 : 패 XL === ||<-12><:><#FF5118> '''{{{#000000 정규시즌 26경기 (2021. 06. 26)}}}''' || ||<#c0002b><-1><:> {{{#fff '''Misfits Gaming'''}}} || '''○''' || × ||<#000><-1><:> {{{#fff '''Excel Esports'''}}} || ||<#ffffff,#000><:> '''5승 1패''' ||<-2><:><#FF5118> '''{{{#fff 결과}}}''' ||<#ffffff,#000><:> 2승 4패 || ||<#FF5118><:> '''{{{#000000 정규시즌 26경기 [[기아자동차|[[파일:KIA Motors_Black.png|width=30]]]] Player of the Game}}}''' || || '''MSF HiRit''' || [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=, redteam= , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/인게임 용, dragon1=, dragon2=, dragon3=, dragonsoul=)] === 27경기 SK 패 : 승 MAD === ||<-12><:><#FF5118> '''{{{#000000 정규시즌 27경기 (2021. 06. 26)}}}''' || ||<#fff><-1><:> {{{#000 '''SK Gaming''' }}} || × || '''○''' ||<#ffffff><-1><:> {{{#c89a3a '''MAD Lions'''}}} || ||<#ffffff,#000><:> 6패 ||<-2><:><#FF5118> '''{{{#fff 결과}}}''' ||<#ffffff,#000><:> '''4승 2패''' || ||<#FF5118><:> '''{{{#000000 정규시즌 27경기 [[기아자동차|[[파일:KIA Motors_Black.png|width=30]]]] Player of the Game}}}''' || || '''MAD Elyoya''' || [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=, redteam= , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/인게임 용, dragon1=, dragon2=, dragon3=, dragonsoul=)] === 28경기 S04 패 : 승 RGE === ||<-12><:><#FF5118> '''{{{#000000 정규시즌 28경기 (2021. 06. 26)}}}''' || ||<#004a9d><-1><:> {{{#fff '''FC Schalke 04 [br]Esports'''}}} || × || '''○''' ||<#00203a><-1><:> {{{#01b9fc '''Rogue'''}}} || ||<#ffffff,#000><:> 2승 4패 ||<-2><:><#FF5118> '''{{{#fff 결과}}}''' ||<#ffffff,#000><:> '''4승 2패''' || ||<#FF5118><:> '''{{{#000000 정규시즌 28경기 [[기아자동차|[[파일:KIA Motors_Black.png|width=30]]]] Player of the Game}}}''' || || '''RGE Inspired''' || [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=, redteam= , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/인게임 용, dragon1=, dragon2=, dragon3=, dragonsoul=)] === 29경기 FNC 승 : 패 AST === ||<-12><:><#FF5118> '''{{{#000000 정규시즌 29경기 (2021. 06. 26)}}}''' || ||<#ff5900><-1><:> {{{#ffffff '''Fnatic'''}}} || '''○''' || × ||<-1><:> {{{#ffffff '''Astralis'''}}} || ||<#ffffff,#000><:> '''4승 2패''' ||<-2><:><#FF5118> '''{{{#fff 결과}}}''' ||<#ffffff,#000><:> 2승 4패 || ||<#FF5118><:> '''{{{#000000 정규시즌 29경기 [[기아자동차|[[파일:KIA Motors_Black.png|width=30]]]] Player of the Game}}}''' || || '''FNC Nisqy''' || [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=, redteam= , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/인게임 용, dragon1=, dragon2=, dragon3=, dragonsoul=)] === 30경기 VIT 승 : 패 G2 === ||<-12><:><#FF5118> '''{{{#000000 정규시즌 30경기 (2021. 06. 26)}}}''' || ||<#f6ca33><-1><:> {{{#000000 '''Team Vitality'''}}} || '''○''' || × ||<#000000,#191919><-1><:> {{{#ffffff,#e33b20 '''G2 Esports'''}}} || ||<#ffffff,#000><:> '''3승 3패''' ||<-2><:><#FF5118> '''{{{#fff 결과}}}''' ||<#ffffff,#000><:> 4승 2패 || ||<#FF5118><:> '''{{{#000000 정규시즌 30경기 [[기아자동차|[[파일:KIA Motors_Black.png|width=30]]]] Player of the Game}}}''' || || '''VIT Selfmade''' || [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=, redteam= , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/인게임 용, dragon1=, dragon2=, dragon3=, dragonsoul=)] == 2일차 (2021. 06. 27) == === 31경기 SK 승 : 패 XL === ||<-12><:><#FF5118> '''{{{#000000 정규시즌 31경기 (2021. 06. 27)}}}''' || ||<#fff><-1><:> {{{#000 '''SK Gaming''' }}} || '''○''' || × ||<#000><-1><:> {{{#fff '''Excel Esports'''}}} || ||<#ffffff,#000><:> '''1승 6패''' ||<-2><:><#FF5118> '''{{{#fff 결과}}}''' ||<#ffffff,#000><:> 2승 5패 || ||<#FF5118><:> '''{{{#000000 정규시즌 31경기 [[기아자동차|[[파일:KIA Motors_Black.png|width=30]]]] Player of the Game}}}''' || || '''SK Blue''' || [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=, redteam= , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/인게임 용, dragon1=, dragon2=, dragon3=, dragonsoul=)] === 32경기 S04 패 : 승 MSF === ||<-12><:><#FF5118> '''{{{#000000 정규시즌 32경기 (2021. 06. 27)}}}''' || ||<#004a9d><-1><:> {{{#fff '''FC Schalke 04 [br]Esports'''}}} || × || '''○''' ||<#c0002b><-1><:> {{{#fff '''Misfits Gaming'''}}} || ||<#ffffff,#000><:> 2승 5패 ||<-2><:><#FF5118> '''{{{#fff 결과}}}''' ||<#ffffff,#000><:> '''6승 1패''' || ||<#FF5118><:> '''{{{#000000 정규시즌 32경기 [[기아자동차|[[파일:KIA Motors_Black.png|width=30]]]] Player of the Game}}}''' || || '''MSF Razork''' || [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=, redteam= , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/인게임 용, dragon1=, dragon2=, dragon3=, dragonsoul=)] === 33경기 RGE 승 : 패 AST === ||<-12><:><#FF5118> '''{{{#000000 정규시즌 33경기 (2021. 06. 27)}}}''' || ||<#00203a><-1><:> {{{#01b9fc '''Rogue'''}}} || '''○''' || × ||<-1><:> {{{#ffffff '''Astralis'''}}} || ||<#ffffff,#000><:> '''5승 2패''' ||<-2><:><#FF5118> '''{{{#fff 결과}}}''' ||<#ffffff,#000><:> 2승 5패 || ||<#FF5118><:> '''{{{#000000 정규시즌 33경기 [[기아자동차|[[파일:KIA Motors_Black.png|width=30]]]] Player of the Game}}}''' || || '''RGE Odoamne''' || [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=, redteam= , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/인게임 용, dragon1=, dragon2=, dragon3=, dragonsoul=)] === 34경기 VIT 승 : 패 MAD === ||<-12><:><#FF5118> '''{{{#000000 정규시즌 34경기 (2021. 06. 27)}}}''' || ||<#f6ca33><-1><:> {{{#000000 '''Team Vitality'''}}} || '''○''' || × ||<#ffffff><-1><:> {{{#c89a3a '''MAD Lions'''}}} || ||<#ffffff,#000><:> '''4승 3패''' ||<-2><:><#FF5118> '''{{{#fff 결과}}}''' ||<#ffffff,#000><:> 4승 3패 || ||<#FF5118><:> '''{{{#000000 정규시즌 34경기 [[기아자동차|[[파일:KIA Motors_Black.png|width=30]]]] Player of the Game}}}''' || || '''VIT Crownshot''' || [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=, redteam= , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/인게임 용, dragon1=, dragon2=, dragon3=, dragonsoul=)] === 35경기 G2 패 : 승 FNC === ||<-12><:><#FF5118> '''{{{#000000 정규시즌 35경기 (2021. 06. 27)}}}''' || ||<#000000,#191919><-1><:> {{{#ffffff,#e33b20 '''G2 Esports'''}}} || × || '''○''' ||<#ff5900><-1><:> {{{#ffffff '''Fnatic'''}}} || ||<#ffffff,#000><:> 4승 3패 ||<-2><:><#FF5118> '''{{{#fff 결과}}}''' ||<#ffffff,#000><:> '''5승 2패''' || ||<#FF5118><:> '''{{{#000000 정규시즌 35경기 [[기아자동차|[[파일:KIA Motors_Black.png|width=30]]]] Player of the Game}}}''' || || '''FNC Adam''' || [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=, redteam= , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/인게임 용, dragon1=, dragon2=, dragon3=, dragonsoul=)] [[분류:League of Legends European Championship Summer 2021]]