[[분류:명일방주/음악]] [include(틀:명일방주)] [include(틀:명일방주/음악)] ||<-2>
{{{#ffffff '''{{{+3 Awaken}}}'''}}} || ||<-2> {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [[파일:Awaken.webp|width=100%]]}}} || || {{{#ffffff '''노래'''}}} || Holly Sedillos || || {{{#ffffff '''작사/작곡'''}}} || Adam Gubman || || {{{#ffffff '''장르'''}}} || [[성악]][br][[뱃노래]] || || {{{#ffffff '''길이'''}}} || 04:07 || || {{{#ffffff '''발매일'''}}} || 2022년 5월 1일 || ||<-2> '''[[https://monster-siren.hypergryph.com/m/music#album|{{{#ffffff 스트리밍 사이트}}}]]''' || [목차] [clearfix] == 개요 == || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube(njRyyTN-2Gc)]}}} || || '''{{{#fff 명일방주 공식 유튜브 채널}}}''' || ||<#fff,#191919> She embraces the reefs, together with the tide. [Awaken]. Mumbling in seabed dreamland, is she still aslumber? || || '''앨범 소개''' || == 가사 == ||
<#fff,#191919> '''Open oceans, crushing waters,''' '''deep regrets of mothers daughters''' '''open rifts, to cast adrift a''' '''ghost ship sinking,''' '''abyssal dreaming''' '''to sleep, to fall on a safe shore...''' '''Holding a paper wall''' '''building a dam, they are flooding the circuits''' '''to find who I am.''' '''Make a list, write it down, in time.''' '''Sometimes we need it all, sometimes, resign''' '''to a world where the center is never a line.''' '''Make a move, take it back, it's mine.''' '''Gather raindrops,''' '''I'm filling the ocean up.''' '''Take every part of me,''' '''(Take it all and...)''' '''fit it together,''' '''I'm building a boat.''' '''Cheers as the horns resound.''' '''Echoes of those who drown''' '''carry myself, let me''' '''dream of deep, stay asleep...''' '''Find the break.''' '''Water, warm.''' '''Keep it calm,''' '''be afraid to rattle the cage. Take a risk,''' '''Take a dive,''' '''take it down,''' '''suddenly surrender, take back everything.''' '''From the open shore''' '''I will learn to fly.''' '''Soaring past the great divide,''' '''voices that surface seem to call out all the lies.''' '''Is it still a sin''' '''if I let them in''' '''as they sail to calmer tides?''' '''I'll awaken what's asleep inside.''' '''Take a breath, through the salt and the fog.''' '''It's gone, it's gone, by the daylight, ah...''' '''Take a page from a lost sailor's song.''' '''Gather pebbles,''' '''I'm filling the ocean...''' '''Oh, just a memory.''' '''Lost, in ecstasy.''' '''Sights and sounds are forgotten and clear.''' '''Ships bells, golden rings.''' '''Fantasy breaking me.''' '''From the open shore''' '''I will learn to fly.''' '''Soaring past the great divide,''' '''voices that surface seem to call out all the lies.''' '''Is it still a sin''' '''if I let them in''' '''as they sail to calmer tides?''' '''I'll awaken what's asleep inside.''' '''From the open shore''' '''I have learned to fly.''' '''Soaring past the great divide,''' '''voices that surface seem to call out all the lies.''' '''There's a hidden door on the ocean floor.''' '''Do these dreams belong to me?''' '''If it calls my name, am I awakening?''' ||