[include(틀:상위 문서, top1=Ascension)] [목차] == 기본 카드 == [[/기본 카드]] == Chronicle of the Godslayer == [[/Chronicle of the Godslayer]] == Return of the Fallen == [[/Return of the Fallen]] == Storm of Souls == [[/Storm of Souls]] == Immortal Heroes == [[/Immortal Heroes]] == Rise of Vigil == [[/Rise of Vigil]] == Darkness Unleashed == [[/Darkness Unleashed]] == Realms Unraveled == [[/Realms Unraveled]] == Dawn of Champions == [[/Dawn of Champions]] == Dreamscape == [[/Dreamscape]] == War of Shadows == [[/War of Shadows]] == Gift of the Elements == [[/Gift of the Elements]] == Valley of the Ancients == [[/Valley of the Ancients]] == 프로모션 카드 == [[/프로모션 카드]] [[분류:Ascension]]