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'''{{{+1 음성}}}'''[br]''{{{-2 -VOICE-}}}'' || || '''첫 만남''' || ''{{{-1 Hey, the "great" Vertin! Nice to see you again!}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''가방 속 날씨''' || ''{{{-1 "Downpour and thick clouds ... we are trapped in this haunted castle. Suddenly, someone knocks at the door. Knock, knock ..."}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''미래에 관하여''' || ''{{{-1 Future, future, hmm ... Our future slides back to the past. What else would be impossible then? Perhaps that blondie would accept an award on the stage of any film festival, or the lame horror novels written by my grandpa would win the Nobel Prize in Literature, haha ... I mean, you can always expect the unexpected, my friends!}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''혼자일 때''' || ''{{{-1 Great, it's high time. They are not here; only me. Play some horror music. Soon, the bloody tsunami will rush to me. Those suspects in helmets will call my name ...}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''인사''' || ''{{{-1 ... I have to remind you that jump scares are really outdated.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''아침''' || ''{{{-1 Years later, I think I have obtained some techniques to balance the tasks and a taste of art ... Yes, the secret lies in the brilliance of caffeine.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''신뢰-아침''' || ''{{{-1 You should try your breakfast with bloody horror movies. That will definitely be a stimulating appetizer.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''밤''' || ''{{{-1 Fine. I've always considered "The Man in the Frame" to be a conventional horror story. But when I myself stay in a frame ... I finally realized it's really horrific.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''신뢰-밤''' || ''{{{-1 Hey, come over here. Yeah! You must be good at this ... What should I sneak out and eat for the night ... Haven't you furtively eaten hash browns in bed? You are "that Vertin"! Come on, I don't buy it!}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''모자와 머리''' || ''{{{-1 Hey! Be careful! This is not a pair of normal glasses ... This is the limited edition sold during the premiere of X Ray Monkey Man! The groove design inside is quite distinctive ... Anyway, as a fans-oriented souvenir, it is fantastic!}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''소매와 손''' || ''{{{-1 High five? Handshake? Or ... Oh, good, it's a document for approval.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''의상과 체형''' || ''{{{-1 Hey! We made a consensus⁠—never attack from the back! Oh ... al-alright, ok, I get it. I will pay attention to my crooked back. Just ... be gentle next time.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''취미''' || ''{{{-1 Horror is not scary. It's more like ... an unexecuted punishment, a pending cause of death, and a confusing puzzle. It is like the panic when you find there's only a half piece of tissue and a tiny piece of banana peel in the tissue box after you defecate ... Do you get it?}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''고마움''' || ''{{{-1 No matter what you do, you'll always succeed. Like no matter what resistance my bullets encountered, they would eventually shoot into the enemy's head.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''친밀함''' || ''{{{-1 Could you grant me another leave for a day? I have a friend at Laplace ... Yeah, I need to help him with his little experiment. Don't worry. We will grab you a sample product if we succeed!}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''잡담 1''' || ''{{{-1 The twins living next door are really good at role play. It's rare to see such skillful actresses like them ... They are not acting?! Oh ... I think I should change rooms.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''잡담 2''' || ''{{{-1 Usually in a horror movie, blondies are depicted as a sacred figure or a cheesy one. They can be an angel, or a fool. You know, the virtual world is really judgmental. When we fall into it, our face will automatically fit into a certain mold, and then we will become someone else.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''독백''' || ''{{{-1 We all experienced the past where we were denied, distressed, and lost. That beautiful building, the white cradle, cut off all the "inconsistent" parts from us, in order to shape us into a "better" self ... All in all, I am relieved that I am still me, and you are still you.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''팀 합류''' || ''{{{-1 "The nerdy nerd," checking in!}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''전투 전''' || ''{{{-1 Logic leads the path to victory!}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''주문 선택 1''' || ''{{{-1 Humph, cool.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''주문 선택 2''' || ''{{{-1 It's not bad ...}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''고급 주문 선택''' || ''{{{-1 Wow, this is an antagonist action ...}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''최종 술식 선택''' || ''{{{-1 Time to show you my card!}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || ||<|2> '''주문 발동 1''' || ''{{{-1 The best combo, automatic aiming.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || ''{{{-1 Left, then right ... which one comes first?}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || ||<|2> '''주문 발동 2''' || ''{{{-1 Geometry, pay attention to the class.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || ''{{{-1 Appropriately ... explode!}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''궁극기 시전''' || ''{{{-1 Let's fully relax, and relish all of these!}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''타격 1''' || ''{{{-1 Ooh!}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''타격 2''' || ''{{{-1 Oh, hey, for real?}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''전투 승리''' || ''{{{-1 Nice ending. An 8.5 from me!}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''통찰''' || ''{{{-1 Woo-hoo! That's great! Now I can pay the balance of my limited-edition Morrison the Killer's bust.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''통찰의 바닥''' || ''{{{-1 Delicious luncheon, nicely chosen movie, the most relaxing gun maintenance ... Those childhood evenings when I couldn't fall asleep ... I hid books under my cushion. I never expected such a promising future!}}}''[br]한국어 대사 ||}}} == 스킨 == {{{#!wiki style="font-family: '바탕','Batang',serif" {{{#!wiki style="max-width: 100%; margin: 0px auto; text-align:center;" {{{#!wiki style="width: 100%; max-width: calc(946px / 3); display:inline-block; text-align: center; vertical-align: top; border: none; padding: 1.5px" ||<-2>
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