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한섭 설명 '''{{{+1 {{{#9A785D "한섭 대사"}}}}}}''' ||}}}}}}}}}}}} 천체 속성 6성 마도학자 '''윈드송''' == 공식 소개 == {{{#!wiki style="font-family: '바탕','Batang',serif" ||
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display:inline-block; margin: -5px -10px; padding: 5px 10px; " {{{#!wiki style="text-align:left; word-break: keep-all;" ■{{{#!wiki style="display:inline-block; vertical-align: top; float:left; margin-top: -545px; margin-left: -5px" [[파일:리버스배경1.png|width=20px]]}}}}}}}}} ||}}}}}}}}} ||}}}}}} == 음성 == {{{#!wiki style="font-family: '바탕','Batang',serif" ||<-2>
'''{{{+1 음성}}}'''[br]''{{{-2 -VOICE-}}}'' || || '''첫 만남''' || ''{{{-1 When we shake hands, we enter a relationship like that of two intersecting lines. It's a pleasure to work with you, Ms. Timekeeper.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''가방 속 날씨''' || ''{{{-1 Dive into the clouds, soak into the soil, move dizzyingly back and forth between the earth and sky. Yes, exactly what a ley line researcher does. }}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''미래에 관하여''' || ''{{{-1 Best case scenario, people call me Professor or Doctor Windsong; worse, they call me: liar, con woman; do you know what is worse still? When they say nothing, looking past me as if I was invisible.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''혼자일 때''' || ''{{{-1 Hey, hey ... Did you leave anything behind? Well, well, how forgetful—You left me here alone!}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''인사''' || ''{{{-1 You're finally here! I could use a sponsor like you. So there is a new discovery of mine …}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''아침''' || ''{{{-1 I almost starved to death. That morning, for once, my arcane skill came in use; I found a winning lottery ticket on the street. I say winning, but it wasn't worth much, only enough for some stale bread ... I ate it so fast. I don't even remember the taste.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''신뢰-아침''' || ''{{{-1 Oh ... Why bother waking up? There is nothing to see outside the window, except the lush, vibrant natural scape. }}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''밤''' || ''{{{-1 "Look at that shooting star. It's moving eastward towards Lyra, not a good omen" ... If you meet someone selling that on the street, you'd best keep an eye on your wallet.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''신뢰-밤''' || ''{{{-1 I had a dream ... I was being applauded, surrounded by a sea of other researchers ... As far as the why goes, my brain still needs time to work it out.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''모자와 머리''' || ''{{{-1 Touching one's forehead is a gesture of friendliness among Felidae and other cat-shaped critters. I've seen Carbuncles doing it. But perhaps you could explain why you are doing this?}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''소매와 손''' || ''{{{-1 Are those chapped hands bothering you? Try this amber oil. I made it specifically for field investigations …}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''의상과 체형''' || ''{{{-1 This coat is worth around 20 rubles. I pawned it during some financial difficulties, but I was lucky enough to be able to pay for it every time. I doubt it's worth much now.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''취향''' || ''{{{-1 Never drink to help you through adversity, it will just make things worse ... Only drink to celebrate or commiserate, should the times call for it.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''칭찬''' || ''{{{-1 You've really read my research paper? I don't know how to show my gratitude ... I think I might cry. Don't stop me.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''친밀''' || ''{{{-1 C-could you lend me some money? I am aware that research grants require applications and must proceed through proper channels, but that's why I came to you …}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''잡담 I''' || ''{{{-1 In my hometown, especially during winter, it's hard to catch those parts of natural life that easily change. Even spending days hunkering down and waiting, observing, almost nothing will pass through the snow, except my footprints.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''잡담 II''' || ''{{{-1 Genius Researcher Faces Funding Dilemma ... Damn it! This isn't even newsworthy! I'm tired of hearing of these struggling researchers. These so-called geniuses should learn to swallow their pride if they wanna earn their bread.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''혼잣말''' || ''{{{-1 In the study of ley lines, there is no such thing as a "pole"—no "end of lines". We endlessly draw new maps, trying to draw conclusions from them. Ones that might build things and bring others together. It isn't about whether the theory is right or wrong, only that it gives us useful answers.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''팀 합류''' || ''{{{-1 It depends on the budget.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''전투 전''' || ''{{{-1 Keep the sample.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''주문 선택 I''' || ''{{{-1 A good point.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''주문 선택 II''' || ''{{{-1 A new hypothesis.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''고급 주문 선택''' || ''{{{-1 A perfect demonstration.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''최종 술식 선택''' || ''{{{-1 An academic question.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || ||<|2> '''마도술 시전 I''' || ''{{{-1 Confirm the coordinates.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || ''{{{-1 Calculating distance.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || ||<|2> '''마도술 시전 II''' || ''{{{-1 The benefits of field mapping.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || ''{{{-1 No other study could show you this!}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''최종 술식 소환''' || ''{{{-1 Limited scale, infinite lines.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''피격 I''' || ''{{{-1 Блин!}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''피격 II''' || ''{{{-1 Don't touch the device!}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''전투 승리''' || ''{{{-1 We worked on this collaboration together. I'll write you into my paper.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''통찰''' || ''{{{-1 Next, to draw a bigger picture.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''통찰의 바닥''' || ''{{{-1 The whole world in my hands—I always knew it could be.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 ||}}} == 스킨 == {{{#!wiki style="font-family: '바탕','Batang',serif" {{{#!wiki style="max-width: 100%; margin: 0px auto; text-align:center;" {{{#!wiki style="width: 100%; max-width: calc(946px / 3); display:inline-block; text-align: center; vertical-align: top; border: none; padding: 1.5px" ||<-2>
'''기본''' || ||<-2> [[파일:윈드송기본.png|width=60%]] || ||<-2> {{{-1 ■}}} || || '''획득 방법''' || {{{캐릭터 획득}}} || ||<-2> {{{#!folding 스탠딩 일러스트 [[파일:윈드송스탠딩1.png|width=100%]]}}} ||}}}{{{#!wiki style="width: 100%; max-width: calc(946px / 3); display:inline-block; text-align: center; vertical-align: top; border: none; padding: 1.5px" ||<-2>
'''■''' || ||<-2> [[파일:윈드송진화.png|width=100%]] || ||<-2> {{{-1 ■}}} || || '''획득 방법''' || {{{2 통찰 달성}}} || ||<-2> {{{#!folding 스탠딩 일러스트 [[파일:윈드송스탠딩2.png|width=100%]]}}} ||}}} }}}}}} == 기타 == * 2차 창작에서는 빌라와 엮이는데, 공 포지션을 맡았다. 그것도 적극적으로 결합하는 모습으로. == 둘러보기 == [include(틀:리버스: 1999/마도학자)]