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'''{{{+1 음성}}}'''[br]''{{{-2 -VOICE-}}}'' || || '''첫 만남''' || ''{{{-1 Ms. Vertin, it's a great honor that you invite me, a human, here in your suitcase. I do enjoy seeing old friends, and I am more than happy to meet new friends. }}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''가방 속 날씨''' || ''{{{-1 The damp air and the moist soil provide a proper humidity for hyphae to grow. The forest, the best hotbed in nature.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''미래에 관하여''' || ''{{{-1 My mom told me a story about a kingdom where there is no conflict. People there love each other, respect each other ... To make that story come true in our "future," let's work together and start by making more friends!}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''혼자일 때''' || ''{{{-1 ... Oh, please don't mind me and take your time. I'm good at waiting, just like the mushrooms.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''인사''' || ''{{{-1 Please be careful. I'm collecting the spores on the mushroom canopy. Even the slightest breath will blow them all over the place ... The last thing I want to see is mushrooms growing all over the neat suitcase. I mean, I love mushrooms, but ... we have to keep it moderate.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''아침''' || ''{{{-1 Good morning. Are you still sleepy? I can make you a mushroom coffee. It only takes five minutes. Please wait for me.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''신뢰-아침''' || ''{{{-1 We have fresh riberry juice, pan-fried penny buns with butter, fried egg with white mushrooms, and baked delicious milk caps for breakfast today ... Oh, I should have asked if you like fungi. So ... do you not like mushrooms?}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''밤''' || ''{{{-1 Good night. Sleep tight like the hyphae clinging to the birch roots.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''신뢰-밤''' || ''{{{-1 Hey, take this pillow. I added lavender powder and truffle extract. They will help you sleep well. I notice that arcanists have a higher chance of suffering from sleep disorders and myoclonic jerks, so I think this pillow may help. By the way ... could you show me to Ms. Mesmer Jr.'s room?}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''모자와 머리''' || ''{{{-1 Hmm? You want to try my hat? Sure, Ms. Vertin. Our heads are of a similar size, so I think it will look just well on you.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''소매와 손''' || ''{{{-1 I keep these gloves on to protect my hands from stings and thorns when I work in the fields, and I always have a few spare ones with me. They are rough to the touch, but very durable.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''의상과 체형''' || ''{{{-1 It's true my terrarium has a highly efficient self-sustaining ecosystem, but it still needs occasional supplements to maintain the operation. Of course, the supplement process requires a sterile environment ... Oh right! We are both suitcase owners!}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''취향''' || ''{{{-1 This? It's a bag of beech mushrooms. Add in some seasonings and you'll get a nice dish. Both Spathodea and Plappy love it ... It's just, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't understand how a pixel animal eats.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''칭찬''' || ''{{{-1 In fact ... I'm glad that Laplace allows me to visit the suitcase from time to time. I can always learn a lot from you.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''친밀''' || ''{{{-1 You don't mind my drawing a painting of these potted plants, do you? They have been here beside the nixie tube clock, witnessing the changes of times with you. That makes a nice theme.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''잡담 I''' || ''{{{-1 Ms. Vertin, are you aware how Mr. APPLe keeps the lustre on him? Oh ... Sunshine, polishing, naturally generated wax ... I see. Arcanists are more incredible than I thought. How marvelous.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''잡담 II''' || ''{{{-1 Recently I've been dreaming of the days back in my hometown. The path in Kosciuszko went all the way to the rainforest in Queensland. When I woke up, I could still feel the taste of Manuka honey in my mouth.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''혼잣말''' || ''{{{-1 Even though I'm one of "those who could not hear the music," I still like "those who were seen dancing." There is nothing wrong with them. Someone has got to do the dancing in life, right?}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''팀 합류''' || ''{{{-1 Preparation completed.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''전투 전''' || ''{{{-1 Please stand behind me.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''주문 선택 I''' || ''{{{-1 Loaded.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''주문 선택 II''' || ''{{{-1 Leave it to me.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''고급 주문 선택''' || ''{{{-1 A highly efficient plan.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''최종 술식 선택''' || ''{{{-1 I'm here, with everyone.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || ||<|2> '''마도술 시전 I''' || ''{{{-1 Please cease resistance.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || ''{{{-1 Power from the soil.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || ||<|2> '''마도술 시전 II''' || ''{{{-1 Please take good care of yourself.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || ''{{{-1 I will help you.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''최종 술식 소환''' || ''{{{-1 An amazing discovery.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''피격 I''' || ''{{{-1 ... Mmm!}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''피격 II''' || ''{{{-1 My mushrooms!}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''전투 승리''' || ''{{{-1 The fieldwork went smooth. I look forward to our next cooperation.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''통찰''' || ''{{{-1 I have come to an even wider pine forest. There are a lot of new mushrooms to collect.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''최고 통찰''' || ''{{{-1 I see. Now I'm able to perceive more details ... I have dicovered more, learned more, and comprehended more, which will redefine my classification system.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 ||}}} == 스킨 == {{{#!wiki style="font-family: '바탕','Batang',serif" {{{#!wiki style="max-width: 100%; margin: 0px auto; text-align:center;" {{{#!wiki style="width: 100%; max-width: calc(946px / 3); display:inline-block; text-align: center; vertical-align: top; border: none; padding: 1.5px" ||<-2>
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