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'''{{{+1 음성}}}'''[br]''{{{-2 -VOICE-}}}'' || || '''첫 만남''' || ''{{{-1 Ladies and gentlemen, before you stands the great-artist-to-be, the voice of peace, the adversary of banality and violence. I give you -- Diggers!}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''가방 속 날씨''' || ''{{{-1 Oh no! My art in Hyde Park is gonna be nothing but splashes of paint ...}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''미래에 관하여''' || ''{{{-1 In the sky with diamonds, on the grass in green garments. I would lie on the grass, among the dew, listening to the kids running around and playing ... Some of the people would be singing, some playing guitar.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''혼자일 때''' || ''{{{-1 Simply looking, no touching ... if you do this, you will — Atishoo! Phew, good, just an improvised show that nobody noticed.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''인사''' || ''{{{-1 ... What do you wanna hear? We've got plenty of time together.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''아침''' || ''{{{-1 We should be anti morning, anti sleep deprivation, anti clocks, anti morning alarm! This is vandalism of art ... and its artists!}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''신뢰-아침''' || ''{{{-1 The creator of arts would work regardless of day and night, but the enforcer of laws would come to work in the day. Now, friend, take these paints and fireworks and run. I'll go east, you west.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''밤''' || ''{{{-1 Hello, my old friend darkness. At night, ideas and words would grow from the silent streets, blown by the wind from one person to another. Faces of the young wander far into the night, and I walk among them.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''신뢰-밤''' || ''{{{-1 Go on, keep on trucking! To the countryside, to hitchhike, to sit behind a farmer's wagon; and talk about life, philosophy, and arts.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''모자와 머리''' || ''{{{-1 I always shave my face at the fountain in the park. That's where you find a mirror.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''소매와 손''' || ''{{{-1 Yes, put out your middle finger and the index finger, palm outward, like this! ... Congrats, my friend, you have peace in your hand.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''의상과 체형''' || ''{{{-1 What are the Reflective Bubbles for, you ask? For the new-born arts being ignored and underestimated, for the fact that people bustle past, not even willing to stop and appreciate them!}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''취미''' || ''{{{-1 The dawn of the new world is about to pierce the night, the power of imagination is taking over. We will reinvent the world; and for that day to come, I shall march, march, and march!}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''고마움''' || ''{{{-1 Oh, I can see it on you. Though you always keep that stern look on your face, I see the sparkles of rebellion.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''친밀함''' || ''{{{-1 My dear, dear friend, can you take these fireworks to the Big Ben first? Don't worry, I will be with you shortly after getting these crackers ...}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''잡담 1''' || ''{{{-1 The vision of men and women has been blinded for too long! They succumbed to the vulgar circumstances, and I will bring them back into the arms of life with dreams. No no, this one is too small.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''잡담 2''' || ''{{{-1 When you walk on the streets in London, be careful of those lip-pressing, hat-wearing, emotionless passers-by. They are stuffy, stupid, lack of imagination and aesthet- ... Oops, no offence.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''독백''' || ''{{{-1 Here pause: these graves are all too young as yet ... From the world's bitter wind Seek shelter in the shadow of the tomb. What Adonais is, why fear we to become? ... Here witness: the white butterfly on the lawn, What a rare view we stumbled upon.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''팀 합류''' || ''{{{-1 Oh, this is groovy! Let's get on the road.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''전투 전''' || ''{{{-1 Well, this is outtasight.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''주문 선택 1''' || ''{{{-1 Come, come.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''주문 선택 2''' || ''{{{-1 Hey, HEY! The artist's here!}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''고급 주문 선택''' || ''{{{-1 This is classic!}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''최종 술식 선택''' || ''{{{-1 Salute to a better tomorrow.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || ||<|2> '''주문 발동 1''' || ''{{{-1 The resonance of bravery!}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || ''{{{-1 What is the road you have taken, my man?}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || ||<|2> '''주문 발동 2''' || ''{{{-1 Listen, my friend.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || ''{{{-1 Look at these little fellas!}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''궁극기 시전''' || ''{{{-1 Bubbles reflect like mirrors, my friend.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''타격 1''' || ''{{{-1 Whaaa!}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''타격 2''' || ''{{{-1 Shame on violence ...!}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''전투 승리''' || ''{{{-1 Of course, peace needs to be made to happen.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''통찰''' || ''{{{-1 I hear it—the revelation of Muse ...}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''통찰의 바닥''' || ''{{{-1 A bright summer day. We once had days like this, and we will have more in the future.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 ||}}} == 스킨 == {{{#!wiki style="font-family: '바탕','Batang',serif" {{{#!wiki style="max-width: 100%; margin: 0px auto; text-align:center;" {{{#!wiki style="width: 100%; max-width: calc(946px / 3); display:inline-block; text-align: center; vertical-align: top; border: none; padding: 1.5px" ||<-2>
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