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한섭 설명 '''{{{+1 {{{#9A785D "한섭 대사"}}}}}}''' ||}}}}}}}}}}}} 암석 속성 6성 마도학자 '''곡랑''' == 공식 소개 == {{{#!wiki style="font-family: '바탕','Batang',serif" ||
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'''{{{+1 음성}}}'''[br]''{{{-2 -VOICE-}}}'' || || '''특별 입장''' || ''{{{-1 *yawns* I can have whatever I need at any time here, the rainwater, the fruits. Though I have a shelter in town, the life there is not as cozy as what I'm living now.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''첫 만남''' || ''{{{-1 Excuse me, where is this place? Oh, you mean put my hands on this? Alright, done. You mean, it's an arcane skill? An arcane skill makes me speak your language, and you speak mine? I think I've heard it before. When and where, exactly?}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''가방 속 날씨''' || ''{{{-1 Rain of ash. Rain! Rain! Dance! Dance! Oh, right. I remember when the Daoist put ashes into dirt, and the dirt started steaming in no time. Exactly how it smells like now.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''미래에 관하여''' || ''{{{-1 As long as I spend enough time traveling around the world, eventually I will meet those who left Pei City for exploration. I remember everyone in the city, so I won't miss a chance to greet them! I'll go tell them that "Jiu Niangzi has been well. I even gained weight these days." }}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''혼자일 때''' || ''{{{-1 Three, two, one. What? Oh, I see! The game of "Who talks first"! Alright, it starts after I count from one to nine— This one doesn't count!}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''인사''' || ''{{{-1 One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine ... The number of paper is more than nine. Is this what that girl with the flower needs? They do become yellow after sinking in the Huangjiu and tea.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''아침''' || ''{{{-1 I'm used to waking up early and managing the tavern. Now. I get restless when I have nothing to do. But I've come up with a good plan—go run in the Wilderness, and greet the animals and the plants. Greet! Good day! Haha. Good day to you, too.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''신뢰-아침''' || ''{{{-1 Morning! I was waiting for you to wake up and visit me. Work hard during the day, and sleep tight at night. What are you going to do today? Don't start it without breakfast. Some noodles, vegetables, and two sunny-side-up eggs. What do you think?}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''밤''' || ''{{{-1 The lights here are amazing! They're much brighter than the lanterns in the city, and keep burning day and night. They never go out ... Oh! Does it mean that they're also arcanists, just like the Taiping Drum that keeps beating all night?}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''신뢰-밤''' || ''{{{-1 It's fine. We still have time to talk! I'll ask the wooden dolls to make your bed, clean the tables, and get you something to help you sleep. Oh, I forgot, things are different here. What about tea, or honey water?}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''모자와 머리''' || ''{{{-1 I don't like wearing too many accessories on my head. Tying hair up is troublesome, too. But the people in town always do that, so I had a good idea! Use my tools as hairpins, making my head a pocket for tools! How about that?}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''소매와 손''' || ''{{{-1 Your hands are cold. Back in my city, Mr. Liu told me that people born with cold hands are weak and need more nourishment. Oh, you just washed your hands? I ... I see.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''의상과 체형''' || ''{{{-1 You see the writing on the purse? They were originally poems other people wrote and were given to me as gifts. Then I cut the fabrics and sewed them together to make this purse. I read them when I get tired at work. Like ... "Love birds side by side ... in the aromatic water ... having the greens of spring ... Over the wall ... there is more." I think it means people love the meals in the restaurant.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''취향''' || ''{{{-1 I have my wooden dolls as assistants, and I remember every formula of the liquors. All I need to start a tavern is just enough materials and a space. So, may I have some land in the Wilderness?}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''칭찬''' || ''{{{-1 If, I mean if, I made a plague for you to hang on this wall, what do you think should be carved on it? "Selfless"? "Generous"? ... Not quite. Oh, how about just "Good Vertin"?}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''친밀''' || ''{{{-1 People call me Jiu or Jiu Niangzi. Jiu means nine, and can also mean liquor. That's all I know. But no matter which name you call me, I'll answer you loud and clear.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''잡담 I''' || ''{{{-1 "Jessica" ... Am I saying it right? She is my role model, because ... Look, how great a Xiangrui she is! She is able to transform half of her body into a Yao! We often roll over the grass, race, and chase the hares passing by.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''잡담 II''' || ''{{{-1 There is a foreign lady who looks familiar and rolls her tongue when she speaks. She visited me a few times with a canteen ... No, no, she didn't drink anything! She just sniffed the jars like a puppy and then left. How rude was that!}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''혼잣말''' || ''{{{-1 After leaping over the bridge, I took a look back at the city, to see nothing but fog. I wonder if people on this end of the bridge have ever thought to take a look over there. The fog is the same, no matter from which side of the river. Do they know the rain doesn't come down the usual way, but goes back up to the sky? *sighs* Who knows? I'll let it go. I'm getting more and more confused.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''팀 합류''' || ''{{{-1 Let's go. I walk fast.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''전투 전''' || ''{{{-1 Should I start running?}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''주문 선택 I''' || ''{{{-1 It's newly made this year.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''주문 선택 II''' || ''{{{-1 Another jar?}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''고급 주문 선택''' || ''{{{-1 Some aged liquor!}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''최종 술식 선택''' || ''{{{-1 Coming!}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || ||<|2> '''마도술 시전 I''' || ''{{{-1 There they are!}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || ''{{{-1 Got you!}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || ||<|2> '''마도술 시전 II''' || ''{{{-1 You don't wanna miss it.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || ''{{{-1 Let's get it over quick.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''최종 술식 소환''' || ''{{{-1 I'll fill the cup for you—Ah!}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''피격 I''' || ''{{{-1 Ouch!}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''피격 II''' || ''{{{-1 It's wrong!}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''전투 승리''' || ''{{{-1 I remember it's called ... lending a hand!}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''통찰''' || ''{{{-1 You see anything different on me? Another pair of ears, stripes, or a longer tail? If none, then my time has not come yet.}}}''[br]한국어 대사 || || '''통찰의 바닥''' || ''{{{-1 Ding, ding, ding ... It's not easy, but I'm glad that you're all happy! How about we make this place our own, and put a Lushu here to guard this place?}}}''[br]한국어 대사 ||}}} == 스킨 == {{{#!wiki style="font-family: '바탕','Batang',serif" {{{#!wiki style="max-width: 100%; margin: 0px auto; text-align:center;" {{{#!wiki style="width: 100%; max-width: calc(946px / 3); display:inline-block; text-align: center; vertical-align: top; border: none; padding: 1.5px" ||<-2>
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